The Crystal of Unconditional Love💗 It's said to boost feelings of self-love and foster loving relationships with others. It's believed to be mood lifting and is used for protection. Genuine rose quartz gemstones bring positivity and love energy into your everyday life!
Silver Tone and Rose QuartzSilver Tone and TurquoiseSilver Tone and JadeSilver Tone and Green AventurineSilver Tone and MalachiteSilver Tone and Marble JadeSilver Tone and Dark JadeSilver Tone and Blue LaceSilver Tone and Lavender QuartzSilver Tone and RiverstoneSilver Tone and White QuartzSilver Tone and White HowliteSilver Tone and Tigers EyeSilver Tone and CarnelianSilver Tone and Brown ObsidianSilver Tone and HematiteSilver Tone and Black Onyx+ 14 more
Gold Tone and Rose QuartzGold Tone and Green OnyxGold Tone and TurquoiseGold Tone and Green AventurineGold Tone and MalachiteGold Tone and Marble JadeGold Tone and JadeGold Tone and Dark JadeGold Tone and Blue LaceGold Tone and Lavender QuartzGold Tone and RiverstoneGold Tone and White QuartzGold Tone and White HowliteGold Tone and Tigers EyeGold Tone and CarnelianGold Tone and Brown ObsidianGold Tone and HematiteGold Tone and Black Onyx+ 15 more